Singapore Mathematics with Dr Yeap Ban Har
We are happy to welcome Dr Yeap back to Stockholm. Dr Yeap is a world leading educator in Singapore Mathematics and he will run two separate full-day courses. The first tagets teachers in year 1 – 5 and the second, teachers in year 6 – 9. Both days will cover the same topics, but target different year levels. During the course you will learn more about:
Teaching Mathematics with a Problem Solving Approach
How do we teach with a problem solving approach and how do we motivate and engage all students in the classroom?
We will discuss the essential ideas in teaching mathematics, how we can engage all students and put problem solving at the heart of every lesson. Various instructional approaches and strategies will be discussed through modeling and practical exercises.
Effective Lesson Planning for High Quality Learning
An effective lesson which ensures high-quality learning is the result of active lesson planning. Participants will learn how to define an ‘effective lesson’, use four critical questions to guide active lesson planning, and anticipate children’s varied responses and brainstorm differentiated strategies for both advanced and struggling learners in Mathematics.
Teachers year 1-5
March 8 2023
- Date & time: March 8, 2023 at 9.00 – 16.30
- Place: Elite Hotel Marina Tower, Saltsjöqvarns kaj 25, 131 71 Nacka
- Educator: Dr Yeap Ban Har. The course will be held in English.
- Moderators: Josefine Rejler and Pia Agardh.
- Price: 3 550 SEK ex moms (VAT). 10% group discount for minimum 5 persons.
- Course certificate, documentation and lunch, coffee/tea and snacks are included.
Teachers year 6-9
March 9 2023
- Date & time: March 9, 2023 at 9.00 – 16.30
- Place: Elite Hotel Marina Tower, Saltsjöqvarns kaj 25, 131 71 Nacka
- Educator: Dr Yeap Ban Har. The course will be held in English.
- Moderators: Josefine Rejler and Pia Agardh.
- Price: 3 550 SEK ex moms (VAT). 10% group discount for minimum 5 persons.
- Course certificate, documentation and lunch, coffee/tea and snacks are included.
About Dr Yeap
Dr Yeap Ban Har is one of the world’s leading experts in professional development for teachers in Singapore Mathematics. He has presented many keynote lectures at international education conferences and has given seminars at various universities around the world.
An accomplished and inspirational speaker, Dr Yeap spent 10 years at the National Institute of Education in Singapore where he taught a range of teacher education courses, including graduate courses, and was involved in several funded research programmes in mathematics education.
He continues to teach courses and supervise practicums at tertiary institutions around the world. He sits on the advisory board of several schools in Singapore and Asia and was also a consultant for World Bank projects.
Dr Yeap is the consultant of the New Syllabus Mathematics Series adopted by most secondary schools in Singapore. He is also the consultant and author of several textbook series used around the world such as Singma Matematik in Sweden, Think Mathematics in the US, Piensa Matemàticas in Spain and Maths – No Problem in UK.
Ban Har holds Master of Arts in Southeast Asian Studies, Master of Education and Ph.D. in Mathematics Education.
Så här tycker tidigare kursdeltagare
Responsen på Dr Yeaps utbildningar är genomgående mycket positiv och kurserna får snittbetyget 5,9 av max 6,0.
”Dr Yeap är en fantastisk fortbildare – har fått nya verktyg att arbeta med förståelse i matematik.”
”Inspireras av Dr Yeaps sätt att modellera lektioner och hur han får oss att utvecklas som lärare.”
”Wow – jag kommer rekommendera mina kollegor att gå dessa kurser!”
”Värt varje öre – otroligt bra innehåll som måste spridas vidare!”
”Så himla inspirerande, trovärdigt och konkret. Jag är väldigt nöjd med kursdagarna!”
”Bästa forbildningen ever!”
”Har fått många nya insikter och lärdomar om hur vi kan undervisa forskningsbaserat. Inspireras verkligen av Dr Yeaps sätt att förmedla och kommunicera med oss som deltagare.”
”Extremely inspiring days – takes math education to another level!